
Archive at SURFSara

  • Full archived summer forecast in /projects/0/sitc/archive2
  • GFS Boundaries in /projects/0/sitc/GFS
  • Watertemperature database in /home/jattema/SST


Desktop system containing a copy of all data, and performing some tasks:

  • Watertemperature database in /home/escience/SST; cron jobs and raw data in /home/escience/DATA/obs/watertemp
  • Observational weather station data in /home/escience/DATA/obs/wageningen
  • High resolution urban datasets to be used in WRF are in /data/wur.
  • The directory also contains a QGis session with all the datasets added: qgis wurdapt.qgs
  • Postgres database with OHN, aerial photos, buurt en wijk, TOP10NL datasets loaded.
  • Output (partly) and processed data for the summer forecast of 2015 in /data/validate
  • Cronjobs for water temperatures, and downloading of GFS data
  • Website source is in /home/escience/web/pelican


Desktop system containing a working WPS setup, with the hi-resolution datasets.

Summer in the City Website

Javascript webtechnology changes faster than NLeSC projects, so I would not recommend reusing the exact setup I picked some years ago. However, the stuff I used is:

The documentation on the website itself has been copied into this document.

The site is hosted locally, Kees has the details. To add content to the website:

  1. Go to the content folder /home/escience/web/pelican/content
  2. Create a new post; use one of the other posts as template. Make sure to set the date, and use an unique slug.
  3. Build the website by running make
  4. Try it! Run ./ 8181, and browse to localhost:8181 using a local browser
  5. Make sure the /shared/website/Summerinthecity directory is readable, with ls for instance
  6. If not, run sudo mount /shared/website
  7. Run make publish to put the new website online

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